Monday, October 18, 2010

Durga Puja

First of all wishing all of you Shubh Bijoya Dashmi (Happy Dussehra).
Another puja ends and with that my excuses to bunk college too sadly comes to an end. This is the day when Bongs bid goodbye to their beloved Goddess Durga not with tears but with song, dance and masti.

According to legend. This is the day when the Goddess Durga slained the demon Mahishasura. Mahishasura had unleashed terror on heaven, earth and nether world. Seeing this the gods went to Brahma. Brahma was helpless as he himself had given the power to Mahishasura that no man could ever kill him. Brahma visited Vishnu and Shiva for help. On hearing the atrocities committed by Mahishasura they became very angry and a radiant yellow light emerged from their body. This yellow blinding light reached the Ashram of a priest known as Katyan. From the light emerged a Goddess whom we know as Durga. Thus Durga was born out of synergy.

Although I am a Bengali I have not yet visited Kolkata. The stories I have heard about Durga celebrations in Kolkata are amazing. It is said that more than two-thousand pandals are set up across the city to celebrate the puja. Load shedding takes place a month before in order to preserve electricity. Schools and colleges are closed for a month. Traffic becomes a nightmare, and most people abandon their vehicles to travel by foot.

In Mumbai too this festival is celebrated with much enthusiasm. There are many pandals across the city. This is the first time that my sister was not there with us. It made me realize why festivals are required; to celebrate togetherness.

Standing atop a lion , with a spear smeared across the chest of the demon, she is the epitome of elegance. For hours you can just stand there and admire her beauty. The ornaments, the crown, the long dark curly hair, the calm smile, she is the definition of unearthly beauty.

I love this festival because it gives me a chance to relive bengali tradition. When i was small my parents used to forcefully take me to attend Tagore functions because my sister used to be a participant. I used to make fun of it. The best part of this festival is definitely the Bhog that is served to everyone. The most amazing Khichdi you will ever have is at a Durga puja pandal and I can bet any amount on that. At nite starts the entertainment. I make it a point to go to pandals where the entertainment is free for everyone. Sadly there are some pandals that have become too commercial and ask for money. I strongly believe that such pandals are killing the very meaning of celebrating a social festival.

I do what every Bengali does during the pujas. Hop between pandals, stare with amazement at the idols, late nite travel, chat with people, eat mishti doi (yummy!!!!), and check out pretty bengali gals .

Although marriages are made in heaven they have to be decided on earth. Durga Puja provides an ideal platform for singletons to meet and spend time with each other. Some times these meetings blossom into love stories and end up in marriage.

The last day of this festival always leaves me with a lump in my throat. Why do I feel so attached to Durga? So close? Probably because she is like my mother. A 10 handed lion riding woman protecting me from the evil. The most beautiful woman in the world. What else could explain this feeling?

Durga puja is a reminder that good wins over evil, that family is important, that no matter what you can always find happiness, that different religions can exist in harmony and lastly, touching the feet of elders can get you a plateful of delicacies :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Writer's Block????

Been some time since i last updated this space.... Dunno why .... I can't think of any reasons for not updating this space..... Hmmm so my frnd Ameya has joined blogosphere....He's new to blogging ...fresh with ideas, rants and crap :P .... Was juss talkin to him about this space and that I didn't feel like updating it anymore.... That is when he mentioned WRITER'S BLOCK.

Writer's block is a condition, associated with writing as a profession, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work (Wikipedia). In my case I guess it was a matter of thinking too much and doing nothing.

Anyways so the past 5-6 months have been pretty interesting. Will post about it in the coming days. Ok it's 1.22 a.m. now, gotta sleep....Hoping that Ameya will encourage me to bunk tomorrow's lecture.

Keep Smiling :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Thursday, May 01, 2008

From 75 to 60 percent and something...

Finally , exams r over... and finally I MAY become a graduate. But what did i learn in these 3 years... In retrospect , I did learn a lot but nothing related to studies... I learnt to be more confident , I learnt how to avoid being nice always , I learnt that it is possible to pass exams by studying one day before them , I learnt that a few good friends (BANG) are better than trivial many , I learnt that it is your family who stands by you through thick and thin , I learnt that without google the world would come to an end...i could go on and on but i will put an end to this ...and i kno u anyways skipped the lines...

In college I was always just above average in studies...barring the odd first semester when i managed a whopping 75 %... that first sem was the start and end of my glory days in college... After that it was always about 60 PERCENT and SOMETHING...but
u know wat.. i m proud of being a 60 % something... atleast i m not a MUGGER like most in my class.... At times i used to wonder wtf am I doing in this class of muggers. All they do is go home and MUG MUG MUG....They could make a parrot proud .

These muggers , they dont even know the basics of computers and they are doing IT , ok leave aside computers..infact they are so aloof they dont know whats happening around them...their world starts and ends with their study books mugging and then blabbing all that durin exams...

Mugging kills creativity... It kills original ideas , there is nothing practical in it. All it proves is that u have a good memory ... but at 20 u dont have to prove that.... It was in the second year that i lost all interest in studies. I realized that this course was taking me nowhere .. infact it was killing my personality... and thats when i stopped STUDYING !!!... yea i could have continued studyin...but it wud be of no use... so that is when i decided "enuf of this shit...i will do what i want".

Second yr was the best... i hardly ever studied.., played cricket , bunked lectures , watched movies , cursed proffs for loading us with those stupid assignments and tutorials ,...everythin was gr8 except my results ...but that did not bother me ...I was content with them... but there were so many ppl who used to crib....especially the girls... It was so damn irritating....What was more irritating was that most of them did not make any sense.... I wont take names here...I can write one full blog describing them but i wont waste precious time...

The third yr sem 5 results were a shock to say the least.... The muggers fared badly ... and my group BANG (Bhavesh,Ashish,Naeem,Gaurav) did pretty well... We partied , played , watched movies , bunked lectures and studied a little , but we still managed to get well above 60 % ...and that felt really GOOD. It was like our victory..., I dont know what happened to the muggers , they mugged/studied a lot...but their results were disappointing... infact most of them managed a first class because of their internals which were in the high 40's out of, only if we would have got that many internals..(sigh)..

ok now i want to write about BANG ... so the next post would be the story of bang... how bang was formed... what bang did ...and so on...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Everyone says, " I'M FINE "

Its Chuesday mornin......Hmmm , so, i get up... with all the zeal and enthusiasm one cud possibly have.....ME to myself "YES TODAY I AM GONNA STUDY THAT DREADED SUBJECT CALLED IT2...(still wondering y it is called IT2 and not IT1 or IT3)... SO I go to the bathroom and do the stuff ppl normally do....brushin, flushin & bathin... (assuming that this is the stuff ppl normally do in their bathrooms.. ofc apart frm singin and readin playboy )....

Its 9 am and the fone trings...its my retard dost "ABHIJIT".... in his typical Marathish accent...

Abhijit - "Kya yaar? Kaisa hain?"

ME - "Bas yaar... accha huun... (in my mind BALLS!!) "

Goes on to ask me the second most boring question in the world...

Abhijit - " Kya chal raha hai yaaaaaaar...? "

ME - "Nothing... juss routine stuff..nm "

By this time i was already bored havin realized that this is gonna be anoda one of those usless mindless talks....

Its 10 am ... breakfast time... the usual boring bread and butter...ppfffffffttttt... (y dont we get chicken and gelato for breakfast!!!).....

Anoda call...This time its my Mashi ( read aunty)

Mashi - "Ki re ... Kemon Aachis..? "

ME - "Bas...Bhaalo aachi.."

Mashi - " Aar ki cholche? "

(hittin my head on the wall for picking up the fone...)

ME - "Kichu na..."

NO marks for guessing the translation....

Its 4 pm....i m online on MSN ... and up comes a msg by my frnd Mansi...

Mansi - "Hola.... Howz u ?"

ME - "Hey... i m fine"

( no...not again... no wassup.... plz !!!! )

Mansi - " so wassup ? "


ME - " nothin much...."

ITs 8 pm... T.V. time.... this time its the door bell... 3rd floor aunty Mrs. Jayshree ....who is very generous when it comes to putting make-up

Mrs.Jayshree - "Hello ar ...""

Before she cud finish the question

ME - " Here are your keys aunty... thank you !!! " ( SUCCESS !!!)

Evryone says 'I am fine...' Rahul Bose made a film with a similar name... You meet someone casually and the first question you ask is " How are you " ... ( as if u care!! ).. the answer to this question 99 times out of 100 wud be " I am FINE..." ..... huh...wat did u juss say "I'M Fine" ????..... oh really!!! ....Balls... NEVER.... Its far from the TRUTH... evry1 has his/her own share of problems... if a person actually starts answerin this question... the other person wud probably die out of boredom...... so y dont ppl juss stop askin this question !!!....

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Random stuff

1)Cheese, Chicken and Ice-Cream are more important to me than sex.

2)I finally figured out y satwant wears a scarf to college..... himesh robbed her HAIR...dont believe me?....wait for karzzzz....(4 z and dots included)

3)I love to hate the girls in my class ...

4)My tummy is getting bigger by the day..... i m at the pinnacle of laziness

5)I need to start doing what i am worst at....STUDYING...

6)My kamod claimed to stop breathing last night... Harpic came to his rescue 2day.

7)Make COFFEE, Drink COFFEE, but never WATCH COFFEE.....

Me and my frnd Naeem will be making 2 films Heyy babyy 2 and the hag de girls....

Heyy Babby2 will be written , directed , produced , acted and eventually watched only by the two of us...we might include 2-3 other special invitees...

Hag de girls cast has been finalised...the coach being fakhir (pronounced as fuck-hir) khan and the team comprises of the girls in my class....we are looking out for a person who can do the role of the assistant coach in the film... you may drop in your resumes....

Monday, December 24, 2007

"Every child is an artist." -- Picasso

"Every child is an artist." -- Picasso

"The child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn't been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him." -- Pablo Casals

First of all Id Mubarak and a merry christmas to whoever is reading this. I am updating my blog after maybe 7-8 months.....actually i never thought that i would be updating it.....but a movie changed my mind.....

Bollywood is the eternal caricature of flamboyant glitterati and endless dance sequences to woo audiences with mindless aberrations from the mundane and few can disagree on this point.

The greatest achievement of Taare Zameen Par is that this film has effortlessly achieved all of this with just sheer sensitivity and simplicity.

The best point about TZP is its simplicity..... As the popular saying goes " Its difficuilt to be simple".....TZP is aamir's directorial debut....and he does it with such honesty and simplicity.....

In a way, everyone can relate to it, especially if you have grown up in India where most children are classified as dumb or unintelligent if they "can't" become engineers or doctors. The kid Darsheel is a natural...he guides you through the movie....Its like going back to school....

Another merit of the film is that it is not preachy, it teaches along with providing the required entertainment to the viewers. The film talks about a condition of a child who is finding tough to compete with his classmates but it never talks about it as a disease or a mental disorder to cure. Aamir focuses on the fact that we got to give proper attention to all kids as everyone has his own areas of abilities...

The music of the film is heart warming , melodious , much like S-E-L's previous songs.... "MAA" and "MERA JAHAN" are the best songs in the movie.... "TZP" (title song) and "KHOLO KHOLO" are not much behind.... and "BHEJA KUM", "JAME RAHO" are situational songs which gel well with the storyline

my movie rating 4.5/5 with a thumbs up !!!
my music rating 4/5

Was lucky to meet both AAMIR and the kid DARSHEEL after the movie.... the show i attended was a special screening....for dyslexic authorities and bisleri who was the sponsor....(u kno that thing called 'MARKETING' lolz)... will be uploading pics as soon as i buy a bluetooth device...(hopefully soon!!!).

why would i watch a movie with a nonsense story and innumerable song and dance sequences ...courtesy farah khan.... I would definately not WELCOME myself to a theatre to watch some stupid sex/vulgar jokes...neither would i go to watch a movie to see someone dancing in/with a towel....and whatever HR is thinking (karzzzz !!)

do yourself a favour ... watch this movie.... i am sure you will like it.... and i am not getting paid to write this!!!.....its just a personal opinion....

Lastly HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you. ENJOY ... TATA...buhbye!!!....